How to Add Subtitles to Video?

A 3D illustration of a monitor with a video play icon surrounded by alphabetical characters, highlighting subtitle addition.
Discover adding subtitles to videos for better clarity—start improving your video content's reach now!

Transkriptor 2024-05-23

Subtitles are written versions of the spoken and audible content of a video. Putting captions or subtitles make videos more accessible. Deaf people or people who have hard of hearing follow the spoken content via subtitles. Best way to add captions to video is using video editing software.

For those looking to add subtitles to their videos effectively, Transkriptor offers a streamlined solution by converting voice to text accurately. Transkriptor utilizes advanced speech recognition technology to accurately transcribe the audio content of videos into written text, laying the groundwork for precise subtitles.

After transcription, users are able to export their subtitles in the .srt format, a widely supported subtitle file format, making it easy to integrate with various video platforms and editing software.

The 8 steps to add subtitles to the video are listed below.

  1. Get subtitles with Transkriptor: Transcribe the video's audio, including dialogue and significant sound effects.
  2. Select video editing software: Choose a video editing tool that supports subtitle integration.
  3. Import the video: Load the video into the editing software to prepare it for the subtitle addition process.
  4. Add subtitles: Input the prepared subtitles manually or by importing the subtitle file into the video timeline in the editing software.
  5. Adjust subtitle timing: Sync the subtitles with the audio and visual cues to ensure they appear at the correct time for viewer comprehension.
  6. Customize subtitle appearance: Modify font, size, color, and placement to ensure the subtitles are readable and unobtrusive to the video content.
  7. Preview and review: Watch the video with subtitles to check for errors, timing issues, and readability, making any necessary adjustments.
  8. Save or export the video: Save the project and export the video in the desired format with subtitles encoded or as a separate file.

1. Get Subtitles with Transkriptor

Start by using Transkriptor to create accurate subtitles for your video. This tool transcribes the video's audio into text, capturing all dialogue and significant sound effects with precision. After transcription, you can review and edit the text directly in Transkriptor to ensure it matches the audio content accurately. Transkriptor also allows you to export the final subtitles in .srt format, making it easy to integrate them into your video editing software for further processing. This first step is crucial for ensuring your subtitles are ready for addition and synchronization with your video.

2. Select Video Editing Software

Select the best video editing software based on needs and budget. Popular options include Adobe Premiere Pro , Final Cut Pro , and Da Vinci Resolve . Each of these has their own advantages and disadvantages. Check their pay plans and decide which one suits the best for the intentions of the video.

3. Import the Video

Open the chosen editing software. Upload the video file into the timeline of the software. How to import video changes according to the chosen editing software. Drag and leave the video file into the chosen editing software.

Another option for importing the video is to choose from the files on your device. Click on “Import File” and choose the video.

Subtitles keyword emphasized on dictionary page beside a list of steps for adding subtitles to videos.
Learn how to add subtitles to the videos easily with our step-by-step guide. Start enhancing the content's reach today!

4. Add Subtitles

Manually add the subtitles prepared before. Choose the subtitle file created and upload it into the video editing software. It is also possible to create automatic subtitles within the video editing software.

Click “Create Subtitles” to create automatic subtitles. Check the automated subtitles to be sure that there are no errors. Fix the errors if there are any.

5. Adjust Subtitle Timing

Make sure that each sentence appears right on time on the screen. Subtitles should follow the spoken dialogues in the video. Change their timing if the subtitles do not appear on time.

Try not to write long subtitles as they appear on the screen for a short time. Long subtitles are not proper for users to follow.

6. Customize Subtitle Appearance

Customizing subtitle appearances include font, size, style, and background color. Choose a font and style that is easy to read and follow. Avoid choosing complicated styles.

Make sure that subtitles are readable on the video background. If not, change the color or style of the subtitles.

7. Preview and Review

Play the video from the start. Check if each subtitle is correct and on time. If the spoken dialogue is longer than a subtitle should be, shorten the sentences while creating subtitles. Adjust the timing again if the subtitles are asynchronous with the audio of the video.

8. Save or Export the Video

Once finished editing, save the captions in videos to the software for future editings. Export the video in a chosen format. The common formats include MP4, AVI, and MOV. Exported videos remain on the device and are easy to access.

What is the Purpose of Adding Subtitles to a Video?

The purpose of adding subtitles to a video is accessibility and increasing comprehension. Subtitles provide accessibility for people who are deaf or who have hard-of-hearing. Subtitles also make videos accessible for people who do not speak the language of the video.

Subtitles increase the comprehension level of the videos. Some people are not able to follow the audio of the video. So, they prefer to follow the subtitles .

Subtitles aim at enhanced comprehension. Videos sometimes have low quality of voice. people can not hear the video and fully understand it. Users prefer videos with subtitles.

What is the Importance of Subtitles in Videos?

Subtitles in videos are important because they provide several benefits. These benefits include accessibility, comprehension, and engagement. Videos are more accessible for more people when they have subtitles. This is important because contents become more open for everyone.

People do not watch a video which they do not understand or hear properly. They tend to watch videos with subtitles as it is easier to follow the transcription of a video. People engage more with the content when they comprehend it better. Subtitles increase the engagement level of the audience.

Subtitles to video guide displaying benefits like inclusivity and language learning on a video player illustration.
Get familiar with how to add subtitles to your videos for better access and learning. Follow step-by-step guide now!

What are the Benefits of Adding Subtitles for Accessibility?

The benefits of adding subtitles for accessibility are listed below.

  • Inclusivity for people with hearing difficulties. People who have hard-of-hearing access to the video content via subtitles. Videos with subtitles become more inclusive this way as more people access and engage with the video.
  • Clarification of the audio content. Subtitles textualize the audio content in a video. People follow the subtitles when the audio of the video is not good enough to hear or follow.
  • Better comprehension. Subtitles provide better comprehension for people who are not good with audible learning. They read the content from subtitles instead of listening to it.
  • Foreign language education. People who do not speak the original language of the video use subtitles in a language they speak. People both hear the unknown language and read the known language. People match the languages and their foreign language learning process improves.

What Software or Tools Can I Use to Add Subtitles to My Video?

Most popular software and tools to add subtitles are listed below.

  1. Adobe Premiere Pro
  2. Final Cut Pro
  3. DaVinci Resolve
  4. Amara

Adobe Premiere Pro is a leading professional video editing software, offering users the ability to generate subtitles with advanced customization tools. These tools allow for precise adjustments to subtitle appearance, timing, and placement, enhancing video accessibility and viewer experience.

Final Cut Pro, Apple's professional video editing program, includes comprehensive tools for adding and modifying subtitles. It serves filmmakers and content creators by integrating subtitle functionality into its user-friendly interface, ensuring content is accessible to a broader audience.

DaVinci Resolve combines subtitle creation and editing with its core capabilities of color correction and video editing. It features a dedicated workspace for subtitles and incorporates speech recognition for automatic subtitle generation, streamlining the post-production process.

Amara is an online platform dedicated to the creation, editing, and distribution of subtitles through collaborative efforts. It simplifies the subtitling process with a user-friendly interface, enabling global contributors to produce high-quality, accessible video content for diverse audiences.

What Formats are Commonly Used for Subtitles in Videos?

The commonly used formats for subtitles in videos are listed below.

  1. SRT. SRT means SubRip Text. SRT incorporates the start and end timecodes near to the subtitle text. SRT is compatible with a variety of video players, internet platforms, and editing tools.
  2. VTT. VTT is a text format created specifically for use with HTML5 video and audio elements. VTT allows for text formatting and positioning.
  3. ASS/SSA. It allows for extensive formatting options like font styling, placement, and effects.
  4. SBV. YouTube uses plain text format for subtitles. SBV has start and end times right next to the subtitle text.

Which Fonts are Considered the Best for Subtitles in Videos?

Several fonts that are considered the best for subtitles in videos are listed below.

  1. Arial. Arial is a basic and highly legible sans-serif typeface. Arial is widely available, easy to read, and has a consistent stroke width that improves readability even at small sizes.
  2. Helvetica. Helvetica is a popular sans-serif typeface with clean lines and consistent spacing. Helvetica ensures that text is easily legible against a variety of backgrounds.
  3. Calibri. Calibri is a contemporary sans-serif font with softened corners and an easygoing appearance. Calibri is ideal for subtitles, particularly in informal or creative video content.
  4. Verdana. Verdana is a humanist sans-serif font with large spacing and proportions. Verdana’s aim is to be readable at small sizes on computer screens, making it an excellent choice for video subtitles.

What is the Difference between Subtitles and Captions?

The difference between subtitles and captions is about their functions and target audiences. Subtitles translate spoken conversation for viewers who comprehend the language of the video but do not know the language spoken in the video. They assume the viewer hears the audio but requires a textual translation to understand the discourse.

Captions not only provide a transcription of spoken language, but include additional significant audio cues such as background noises and speaker identifications. For example, a caption could highlight off-screen sounds such as [phone ringing]. Supplementary information allows viewers who cannot hear the audio to grasp the scene's context and emotional undertones.

Increase Video Accessibility with Transkriptor

Subtitles are essential for making videos accessible to a wider audience, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing and non-native speakers. While adding subtitles can be cumbersome with traditional video editing software, Transkriptor streamlines the process by automatically converting audio from videos into accurate text for subtitles. This advanced tool ensures precision and allows for easy editing and exporting in .srt format, compatible with various platforms.

To add subtitles, simply transcribe your video with Transkriptor, adjust the transcription as needed, and export the subtitles for use in your video project. By using Transkriptor, content creators can enhance viewer engagement and ensure their videos are accessible and inclusive. Try it for free!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can use Transkriptor to add subtitles to various video formats. Ensure your video editing software supports the subtitle file format Transkriptor outputs.

SRT (SubRip Text) is a basic subtitle format displaying text and timing. VTT (Web Video Text Tracks) supports styling and positioning, offering more customization for web-based videos.

Accessible fonts for video subtitles include Arial, Helvetica, Calibri, and Verdana, as they are clear, legible, and widely recognized, enhancing readability across different backgrounds and screen sizes.

To ensure subtitles are synchronized with the video's audio, match the subtitles' timecodes with the spoken dialogue, use video editing software to adjust timing, and review the video to confirm accurate alignment between text and audio.

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