Transkriptor vs.

Transkriptor is a versatile Otter alternative that automates the process of transcribing and summarizing audio or video files to text into 100+ languages. You can even chat with the transcript using Transkriptor's AI chat assistant to get quick answers!

Transkriptor transcribes your audio in 100+ languages

Transkriptor vs.

How Does Transkriptor Compare With Otter?

Platforms Supported
Android & iOSYesYes
Chrome extensionYesYes
Google CalendarYesYes
Google DriveYesNo
One DriveYesNo
Free TrailYes
90 Minutes
Lite / Pro$4.99 for 1 User Per Month
300 minutes/month
$8.33 for 1 User Per Month
Premium / BusinessStarting at $12.49 Per MonthStarting at $20 for 1 User Per Month
Small TeamsContact SalesNo
EnterpriseContact SalesContact Sales
Before Meetings
Auto-join Zoom meetingsYesYes
Auto-join Microsoft Teams meetingsYesYes
Auto-join Google Meet meetingsYesYes
Meeting Recording
Web and mobile recordingYesYes
Record audio and videoYesNo
Download audio or videoYesNo
Adjustable playback speedsYesYes
Meeting Transcription
Transcription accuracy99%83% - 85%
How long does it take to transcribe a 1-hour audio file?15 minutes20-24 minutes
Multilingual transcriptionYes
Support over 100 languages, including English, Chinese, French, and German
Only support English.
Import and transcribe pre-recorded audio/video filesYes
Support importing formats: MP3, MP4, WAV, AAC, M4A, WEBM, FLAC, OPUS, AVI, M4V, MPEG, MOV, OGV, MPG, WMV, OGM, OGG, AU, WMA, AIFF, and OGA.
Support importing formats: AAC, MP3, M4A, WAV, WMA, MOV, MPEG, MP4, and WMV
Import pre-recorded audio/video files from linksYes
Support Google Drive, One Drive, YouTube, and Dropbox.
Support only Dropbox.
Speaker identificationYesYes
Generate summariesYesYes
Translate transcriptsYes
Support 100+ languages.
Hide timestampsYesNo
Automatic text correction for EnglishYesNo
Edit transcripts and speaker tagsYesYes
Conversation historyYesYes
Custom vocabulary (for names, jargon, acronyms)YesYes
Collaborative workspaceYesYes
Create foldersYesYes
Invite team members to collaborateYesYes
Share via linksYesNo
Share on social mediaYesYes
Export audio, text, and captionsYes
Support exporting formats: Plain Text, TXT, SRT, or Word file formats
Support exporting formats: MP3, TXT, PDF, DOCX, SRT.
Administration and Security
Enterprise-grade protectionYes
Approved and certified by SSL, SOC 2, GDPR, ISO, and AICPA SOC
Approved and certified by SOC 2, GDPR, VPAT, and CCPA
User managementYesYes
Cloud integrationYesYes
Team collaborationYesYes
Data encryption and protectionYesYes
Product Support
Email supportYesYes
Self-service supportYesYes
Live chat supportYes
On the website and in the app.
Social media supportYesNo

Why Teams Choose Transkriptor Over Otter

Transkriptor and Otter are two popular speech-to-text transcription tools for audio and video files. Despite having common features like note-taking and team collaboration, Transkriptor is known to offer many additional features, such as multilingual transcription and translation. For instance, Transkriptor can transcribe and translate content into 100+ languages with 99% accuracy, which is much higher than Otter's.

Here, we will compare Transkriptor and Otter in detail so you can select the one that best suits your needs.

1. Multilingual Transcription Feature currently only supports English (UK and US), which makes it a less preferred choice for teams that expand globally. On the contrary, Transkriptor allows you to transcribe conversations into 100+ languages, such as English, Spanish, French, German, and Portuguese. This makes Transkriptor more versatile than, which is limited to English only.

2. Affordable Paid Plans

If your primary concern when choosing between Transkriptor and Otter is budget, Transkriptor is the way to go. Its paid plan starts at only $4.99 per month, so you can transcribe and translate meetings, interviews, and podcasts into 100+ languages. On the contrary, Otter's paid plan starts at $8.33 per user per month, which is almost double the price of Transkriptor.

3. Higher Transcription Accuracy

While there are many AI transcription tools available, not all of them can transcribe with the same accuracy. Transkriptor has a high accuracy rate of up to 99% accuracy for most of the transcripts, whereas Otter is known to have a maximum accuracy of 83% - 85%. This means if you share the transcripts with your clients, team members, or others, you'll need an accurate transcription tool like Transkriptor.

4. Support 100+ Translation Languages

You can always manually translate the transcripts from one language to another (if you know both languages) and then edit line by line — but that would take forever. That's where the AI transcription and translation tools come into the picture.

Transkriptor can help you quickly and accurately translate transcripts into 100+ languages for your global audience. However, does not support multilingual translation, which makes it a less preferable choice for global teams.

Making Transcription Easy for Everyone



Transkriptor can help you record and even transcribe your lectures in minutes. It can even translate content in 100+ languages to meet the needs of a diverse audience. Plus, it can help generate lecture summaries so students know what was covered in an hour-long video without even watching it.



If you're a podcaster or a radio podcaster wanting to drive more traffic to videos, you'll need a text version of the podcast that helps search engines crawl and even index the content. Transkriptor can help transcribe podcasts to text, so you don't have to do the manual work and save a lot of time.



Transkriptor can handle transcription and translation of your interviews and voice memos to ensure you get the transcripts and translations in minutes, not hours. Instead of dealing with manual note-taking, which takes a lot of time, you can focus on reporting with the fast and accurate transcribing tool!

“Transkriptor is amazing! I'm a journalist, and I find Transkriptor as one of the most valuable transcription tools out there. It helps me quickly transcribe and even translate the interviews in minutes — and that too, with high accuracy. It pushes the level higher than by offering multilingual transcription and translation services!”

Justin Foster

Justin Popp

Head Journalist