Experience effortless web audio transcriptions at your fingertips. Whether you’re working on a podcast, interview, or consultation, Transkriptor ensures that every word is transcribed flawlessly. missing translation
Transcribe to text on Web in 100+ languages missing translation
Доверливи од над 100.000 клиенти од целиот свет.
Оценето одлично 4.8/5 на основа на 500+ рецензии на Trustpilot.
Our web audio transcriber is your go-to solution for converting any audio file into text, directly from your browser. Whether you're dealing with interviews, meetings, or lectures, our transcription app for the web handles multiple audio formats with impressive speed and precision. missing translation
The Transkriptor Web App supports 100+ languages and produces 99% accurate transcriptions to minimize your editing efforts. missing translation
Connect Transkriptor with your meeting apps or cloud storages within the web app to record meetings automatically. missing translation
Chat with your transcriptions, ask questions to extract details, and get meeting analyses automatically with AI chat on the Transkriptor web app. missing translation
Leave comments on the transcription, collect your files in folders, separate folders in workspaces, and make collaboration easy. missing translation
Transcribe any audio or video - no matter the format. Upload your files to the Transkriptor web app, or simply paste the link to start transcribing. missing translation
Качете го вашиот аудио фајл или залепете го линкот во кутијата, потоа изберете го аудио јазикот.
Конверторот на аудио во текст на Transkriptor испорачува резултати брзо и со 99% прецизност.
Откако транскрипцијата е подготвена, можеш да ја преземеш твојата аудио транскрипција.
Transkriptor is such a lifesaver for my interviews! I upload audio files directly from my browser, and the transcripts are ready in minutes. It's been super reliable for both English and Arabic, and I love the accuracy – barely any corrections needed! missing translation
Amina Y. missing translation
Маркетинг консултант
As someone who teaches in multiple languages, Transkriptor's ability to handle 100+ languages is amazing. I use it to transcribe my lectures and share notes with students. The speed and accuracy have been spot-on, saving me tons of time! missing translation
Jonas S. missing translation
Универзитетски предавач
I’ve tried other transcription tools, but Transkriptor stands out. It handles my long podcast episodes with ease, and the web interface is super intuitive. The fact that I can transcribe and download everything without leaving my browser is a huge plus. missing translation
Sophia B. missing translation
Podcast Host missing translation
Transkriptor made my workflow so much smoother. I just upload my audio clips and the transcriptions are almost perfect! I can even edit the text in the app, which is great for creating content quickly. Definitely recommend it! missing translation
Ravi K. missing translation
Творец на содржина
Запишувајте во живо или пренесувајте аудио и видео датотеки за транскрипција. Уредете ги вашите транскрипции со леснотија и користете го AI асистентот за разговор или резиме на транскрипциите. Започнете со Transkriptor за да ги трансформирате вашите транскрипции.
Transkriptor’s AI assistant can summarize your transcriptions and answer questions related to your video transcriptions, enhancing your understanding and productivity. missing translation
Absolutely! Transkriptor offers seamless integration with tools like Google Drive, enabling you to incorporate transcriptions smoothly into your workflow. missing translation
Transkriptor processes audio files with impressive speed, providing you with a transcription ready for download shortly after the upload. missing translation
Transkriptor is available on multiple platforms, including the Google Play Store, Chrome Web Store, and Apple App Store, ensuring that you can access it from your preferred device. missing translation
Our service supports a wide range of file sizes. Whether you're transcribing short voice notes or lengthy lectures, our tool can handle it efficiently. missing translation